Shou Mei: The Rich White Tea Experience

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White tea, with its fragile flavors and subtle aromas, holds a special place in the world of tea. Amongst the most revered kinds of white tea are Shou Mei, Fuding White Tea, Aged White Tea, White Peony, Gong Mei, and White Hair Silver Needle.

Shou Mei, frequently referred to as the "old male's brow," is a durable white tea with a character that stands apart. This tea, called for its distinctively designed fallen leaves that resemble the eyebrows of an elderly guy, is harvested later in the period, resulting in a fuller, a lot more obvious flavor. Shou Mei has a slightly oxidized profile, providing it a richer body contrasted to various other white teas. It flaunts a mix of fruity and flower notes, often with hints of honey and a subtle earthiness. This complexity makes Shou Mei an exceptional selection for those that value an even more durable tea that still preserves the mild characteristics of white tea.

Fuding White Tea hails from the Fuding region in China's Fujian province, an area renowned for generating some of the finest white teas in the world. This tea is a testament to the artistry and tradition of white tea production in Fuding, providing a really genuine experience for tea fans.

Aged White Tea is a group that has acquired substantial focus over the last few years. Similar to fine a glass of wine, white tea can be aged to develop much deeper, more intricate flavors. As the tea matures, it goes through a natural fermentation procedure, leading to a smoother, mellower taste with improved sweetness and a richer, extra rounded account. Aged White Tea commonly displays notes of dried out fruit, honey, and a subtle tip of earthiness, making it a wonderful choice for those that appreciate the nuanced tastes that come with aging. At Orientaleaf, we take wonderful care in sourcing and saving our aged white teas, ensuring they reach their complete capacity prior to reaching your cup.

This tea is made from both the buds and fallen leaves of the tea plant, resulting in a somewhat fuller taste compared to Silver Needle but still preserving the fragile top qualities of white tea. The balance of flavors in White Peony makes it a preferred among white tea fanatics and novices alike.

Gong Mei, or Tribute Eyebrow, is one more range of white tea that uses a special taste account. It is usually collected a little later on in the season than White Peony, resulting in a tea that has a more robust and a little extra oxidized personality.

White Hair Silver Needle, additionally called Bai Hao Yin Zhen, is maybe the most well-known and highly prized white tea. Made specifically from the young, unopened buds of the tea plant, Silver Needle is renowned for read more its elegant taste and delicate appearance. The buds are covered in great silvery hairs, providing the tea its name and a distinct visual allure. Silver Needle is treasured for its light, wonderful flavor with refined notes of melon and a remaining floral aftertaste. The mixture is normally an extremely pale, virtually anemic liquor, which hides the deepness of flavor had within each sip. This tea is the epitome of beauty and sophistication, usually booked for special celebrations or moments of quiet reflection.

Whether you are an experienced tea lover or simply beginning your journey right into the world of white tea, our choice supplies something for everyone. Check out the fragile tastes of Shou Mei, the beautiful taste of Fuding White Tea, the aged intricacy of Aged White Tea, the flower elegance of White Peony, the durable character of Gong Mei, and the unrivaled improvement of White Hair Silver Needle.

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